What Do Accountants Do

What Do Accountants Do


What Does an Accountant Do?

A study conducted by Intuit, the creator of QuickBooks and other financial software, discovered 89% of small businesses say that they are more successful with an accountant or advisor. Why? What do accountants do? Accountants do a lot more than people think and they can assist a business at various stages of growth.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) explains that accountants and auditors prepare and examine financial records. They ensure that financial records are accurate and that taxes are paid properly and on time. Accountants and auditors assess financial operations and work to help ensure that organizations run efficiently.

Accountant Duties:

  • Examine financial statements to ensure that they are accurate and comply with laws and regulations
  • Ensure that taxes are paid properly and on time
  • Inspect account books and accounting systems for efficiency and use of accepted accounting procedures
  • Organize and maintain financial records
  • Assess financial operations and make best-practices recommendations to management
  • Suggest ways to reduce costs, enhance revenues, and improve profits

In addition to being responsible for the preparation and analysis of a company’s financial records, including data management, creation of financial statements and ensuring regulatory compliance in the company’s accounting practices, accountants must explain their findings. This includes preparing written reports, meeting with organization managers and individual clients, and deliver expert recommendations and solutions.

Accountants provide a wide variety of services including administrative tasks that are distracting business owner’s and inhibiting growth. They also provide strategic advice and come up with clever ways to reduce expenses and increase revenue. Hiring an accountant allows owners to run their business with more clarity and confidence

The Consultance Accounting Difference

The professional accountants at Consultance Accounting go above and beyond so businesses in every industry, including non-profits, succeed at every level. From start up and business structuring to expansion and growth, Consultance guides clients every step of the way. The team is made up of highly experienced professionals, with expertise that includes accounting and bookkeeping, compliance and ethics, financial analysis, process and systems re-engineering, risk management, and accounting system optimization.

Consultance Accounting provides a broad offering of accounting services and tools to improve efficiencies and decision-making in a customizable format to meet each client’s specific needs. We are experts in our fields and are fully certified in the technology platforms we offer our clients. What makes Consultance different is how we deliver our services. Through our people, processes, and technologies, we have proven our unyielding commitment to exceptional client service and knowledge from industry experts.

what do accountants do

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